OAI Reference

The OAI comprises 5 professions, namely

  • architect,
  • consulting engineer,
  • urban planner,
  • interior designer,
  • landscape architect / landscape engineer.

The OAI and its members

A solid, reliable and creative pillar of our company


Constituted in March 1990 under the terms of the law of December 13, 1989, the Order of Architects and Consulting Engineers (OAI) groups together 5 liberal professions:

 consulting engineer,
 urban planner,
 interior designer,
 landscape architect / landscape engineer

Since 1990,

  •  the number of architectural firms established in Luxembourg has more than tripled (510 in 2019). In addition to these, there are 149 occasional providers, i.e. 23% of the 659 active in Luxembourg.
  • the number of engineering consultancies established in Luxembourg has almost quintupled fivefold (204 in 2019). In addition, there are 53 occasional service providers, i.e. 21% of the 257 consulting engineering firms active in Luxembourg.

These 714 offices with headquarters in the Grand Duchy employ over 5,000 people


3 OAI missions :  legal, professional, cultural.

Beyond its legal missions, as a professional organization as well as a public interest organization
the OAI values the true dimension of the work of its members, at the economic, social
artistic and cultural, for a sustainable, intelligent and quality living environment.


International presence

OAI is a member of many international organizations: UIA, ACE, FIDIC, EFCA, ENACA,


Brief description of the OAI